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Yvonne Taylor: The “Accidental Activist” Setting Precedent For Bitcoin Mining In The U.S.

When Yvonne Taylor first heard about Greenidge Generation’s plan to reopen a closed coal-fired powerplant as a natural gas-powered plant, she didn’t even know what Bitcoin was. But pollution from the Greenidge’s facility increased tenfold as it expanded electricity generation to power newly installed Bitcoin mining machines. 

We NEED You Saturday!

Join us at the DEC Headquarters. No: You’re NOT too busy.

We know you all have busy lives. We do too. But we are asking you to spend a few hours to SHOW UP on Saturday. WE NEED YOU TO DO THIS ONE THING.

We are paying for a bus that you can hop on.

The bus will be leaving from Watkins Glen and there are only a few seats left.
RSVP today!

Watch: Trash Incinerator Forum

On Jan. 7, 2018 we hosted an independent expert on how the impacts of the proposed “Waste to Energy” train trash facility at the Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus would effect the Finger Lakes region.

You can watch an archive of our live stream of the Trash Incinerator Forum here.

Watch: Seneca Lake Guardian Press Conference

Legislative Office Building Albany, NY

Watch: Bitcoin & Fracked Gas

Stopping Cryptocurrency’s Climate Impacts

Bitcoin mining fueled by fracked gas could undermine New York's climate goals – but on October 28th, we discussed our plans to stop this catastrophic threat.

VICTORY! DEC Denies Greenidge Generation’s Title V Permits

After a year+ of advocacy, enviros, electeds, winemakers, and more celebrate precedent-setting decision; urge Governor Hochul to sign moratorium.

Urgent: We need All Hands On Deck Monday 6/27 11:30 Geneva

Please take an hour of your time to join us at the Gazebo in front of the Finger Lakes Welcome Center in Geneva on Monday June 27th at 11:30 am. We'll be holding a press conference and rally urging Governor Hochul to stop delaying the signing of the bill into law and to deny Greenidge's Title V Air Permit Renewal. We need YOU there, and please bring 100 of your friends.

URGENT: Seneca Falls Board Pulls Another Fast One

The Town of Seneca Falls has scheduled to bring back a vote on its Host Community Agreement with Seneca Meadows Landfill at tonight's Board meeting starting with a Public Hearing on the Town's Comprehensive Plan at 6:00 pm, 130 Ovid St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148-2300, United States.

Urgent: Assembly Vote Today

Call your Assembly Person Now!

TODAY (Tuesday, June 19th) - We have an opportunity to kill the proposed garbage burning facility in Romulus, NY, if we act swiftly. There are bills proposed ( S8109b/A11214) which, if passed in the Assembly and the Senate, then signed by Governor Cuomo, would prohibit garbage incineration in the Finger Lakes.

Urgent: Action Needed!

Cargill running seismic testing without applying for a permit

John Dennis, a co-founder of CLEAN, was out in his kayak doing a HABs survey on Sunday when he spotted what appeared to be Bay Geophysical’s seismic research vessel pulling a pneumatic air gun array and the single string of hydrophones that is used to implement 2D seismic studies of underground rock formations. A photograph of a Bay Geophysical doing a 2016 seismic study in front of Cayuga Power
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Call Gov. Hochul Re: Greenidge

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

The Hochul administration has a deadline of March 31 for deciding whether to grant an air quality permit to a fracked gas power plant in the Finger Lakes.

Call Governor Hochul: Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant
Deadline: Thursday, March 31

Important Actions and Updates

Seneca Lake Guardian has been working extremely hard for the protection of the Finger Lakes, as we're rounding the  bend and expecting a decision from the DEC on Thursday, March 31st on Greenidge's Title V Air Permit. 

CALL HOCHUL! Let’s hit 200!

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

We’ve generated 128 calls to Hochul thus far this week.
Can we top 200? I think we can!

Seneca Lake Guardian Releases TV Spots

Engages Finger Lakes Residents In Fight For Bitcoin Mining Moratorium

FINGER LAKES, NY (02/14/2022) (readMedia)-- Today, Seneca Lake Guardian released a short ad on cryptocurrency that will air on local channels in the Finger Lakes region, educating Finger Lakes residents about the dangers of the Bitcoin mining industry and encouraging them to get involved in the fight to stop unchecked, climate-killing Bitcoin mining.

Hochul’s DEC Gives Greenidge Crucial Time Window to Expand Bitcoin Mining Before It Rules on Air Permit Renewal

We learned last week that a decision expected at the end of January on the Greenidge facility's Title V Air Permit Renewal has been postponed through March 31st, with the possibility now on the table for a costly and lengthy adjudicatory process which could, in effect, take years. 

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

Call Governor Hochul: 877-235-6537

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to block the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, which is burning fracked gas for cryptocurrency mining.

Opinion: Bitcoin mining is a threat to New York’s climate. Here’s why

Proof-of-Work cryptocurrency mining —commonly known as Bitcoin mining — is a growing industry in New York and poses a massive threat to our climate. Gov. Kathy Hochul needs to declare a moratorium on proof-of-work bitcoin mining in New York State. Now. Here’s why.

Please Sign on and Share Widely: Shut Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025!

One of our major concerns is the growing amount of trash at the northern gateway to the Finger Lakes: Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI). We invite you to sign on to a letter to Governor Hochul, urging her to close Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025 as planned. 

Crypto: Climate Change Accelerator, Capitalist Con

WATCH: System Change Not Climate Change Webinar

What the frack is cryptocurrency, anyway? Join us for a critical evaluation...who loves it, what it is, when and where it may be coming, why it's growing so spectacularly, and how it impacts climate.

Greenidge and Bitcoin In The News

Recent Videos, Radio and News Articles

A collection of news articles, radio segments and TV news reports about Bitcoin and the Greenidge Bitcoin plant.