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Letter to Tompkins County

Re: Cayuga Power Plant

Seneca Lake Guardian’s mission is to promote sustainable energy, increase investment in water supply/sewer systems, and to challenge destructive power plants, reckless development and decrepit infrastructure around Seneca Lake and throughout the Finger Lakes Region. As such, we write to urge you to adopt Resolution A, which asks the DEC to categorically deny Cayuga's application to convert to fracked gas, asks the Governor to provide support for transition to renewable energy, acknowledges that Cayuga’s proposal will result in significant environmental impacts, and calls on the DEC to require Cayuga to submit a full Environmental Impact Statement.  

NY governor signs legislation to stop WTE project

UPDATE: May 28, 2019: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill (A5029A) on May 24 aimed at protecting "the Finger Lakes region from the adverse effects of the siting of newly constructed incineration facilities." The legislation effectively blocks plans for a new $365 million Circular enerG incinerator in the Finger Lakes region.

NY should follow the science on climate and ban crypto mining

Guest Opinion by Anthony Ingraffea

It’s up to Hochul and the Department of Environmental Conservation to be the leaders on climate they claim to be. They must follow the science, deny Greenidge’s permits, and support a
cryptomining moratorium. Our climate law — and the climate itself — is at stake.

One of New York State’s Most Picturesque Towns is Being Buried By A Mountain of Trash

Cross Posted from:

Seneca Meadows looms large, both in physical stature and the ongoing risks it poses to our health and the environment. If approved, New Yorkers will pay the ultimate price as our health, economy and environment continue to deteriorate and we fall further from our climate goals.

Opinion: Bitcoin mining is a threat to New York’s climate. Here’s why

Proof-of-Work cryptocurrency mining —commonly known as Bitcoin mining — is a growing industry in New York and poses a massive threat to our climate. Gov. Kathy Hochul needs to declare a moratorium on proof-of-work bitcoin mining in New York State. Now. Here’s why.

Opportunity To Advocate for Safer Drinking Water!

Rob and Dharma at EANY are working on legislation for the upcoming session that would require testing for dozens of contaminants, including all PFAS- the forever chemical. Rob and Dharma are looking for private well owners that would be interested in sharing their experiences.

Our air. Our water. Our vote.

This fall, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to enshrine the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution.

Outrageous. Two Meetings on the Landfill scheduled this week

We know how difficult it is to plan on attending one evening meeting in a week let alone two, and perhaps that is exactly why the Seneca Falls Town Board scheduled a meeting to review the Town's revised Comprehensive Plan the day before the already publicized public input meeting scheduled by the landfill.

PLEASE Call Governor Hochul TODAY!

Now's the time to keep that pressure going by calling Governor Hocul. Our friends at Food and Water Watch have set up a call line to do just that!

Please Sign on and Share Widely: Shut Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025!

One of our major concerns is the growing amount of trash at the northern gateway to the Finger Lakes: Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI). We invite you to sign on to a letter to Governor Hochul, urging her to close Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025 as planned. 
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Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Countdown to Deadline: Don’t Sit This One Out!

We have until this Friday, January 27th to submit comments to the DEC regarding NY's largest landfill, located in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Seneca Meadows Landfill was slated to close in 2025, and instead, they've applied for an expansion (seven stories higher than it is now!) and an operating extension through 2040.

Think Landfills Shouldn’t Be Near Homes and Schools? Sign On To This Letter!

We have an opportunity to comment on the NY State DEC's Proposed New Regulations that would prevent landfills from being sited or expanding near schools and landfills.  This sign on letter is for both individuals and organizations. Please complete this google form today!

Call Gov. Hochul Re: Greenidge

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

The Hochul administration has a deadline of March 31 for deciding whether to grant an air quality permit to a fracked gas power plant in the Finger Lakes.

Call Governor Hochul: Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant
Deadline: Thursday, March 31

Important Actions and Updates

Seneca Lake Guardian has been working extremely hard for the protection of the Finger Lakes, as we're rounding the  bend and expecting a decision from the DEC on Thursday, March 31st on Greenidge's Title V Air Permit. 

CALL HOCHUL! Let’s hit 200!

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

We’ve generated 128 calls to Hochul thus far this week.
Can we top 200? I think we can!

Hochul’s DEC Gives Greenidge Crucial Time Window to Expand Bitcoin Mining Before It Rules on Air Permit Renewal

We learned last week that a decision expected at the end of January on the Greenidge facility's Title V Air Permit Renewal has been postponed through March 31st, with the possibility now on the table for a costly and lengthy adjudicatory process which could, in effect, take years. 

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

Call Governor Hochul: 877-235-6537

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to block the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, which is burning fracked gas for cryptocurrency mining.

Please Sign on and Share Widely: Shut Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025!

One of our major concerns is the growing amount of trash at the northern gateway to the Finger Lakes: Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI). We invite you to sign on to a letter to Governor Hochul, urging her to close Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025 as planned. 

Opportunity To Advocate for Safer Drinking Water!

Rob and Dharma at EANY are working on legislation for the upcoming session that would require testing for dozens of contaminants, including all PFAS- the forever chemical. Rob and Dharma are looking for private well owners that would be interested in sharing their experiences.
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Seneca Lake Guardian’s Yvonne Taylor Among City & State’s 2023 Top Energy & Environment Power 100 List

Vice President of Seneca Lake Guardian, Yvonne Taylor, has been recognized for her advocacy against Greenidge Generation and Seneca Meadows landfill!

Join Us In Geneva

Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday June 28th in Geneva at the gazebo in front of the Geneva Welcome Center, 35 Lakefront Drive* at 11:30 to say GET OUT GREENIDGE!

Last Call for Commenting on NY’s Solid Waste Plan and its Impact on Seneca Meadows

Last Day for Comment Thursday, June 29th

Until June 29, the Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting public comments on the Draft Solid Waste Management Proposal. We need YOU to submit a comment.

Join us August 2nd-Oppose Landfill Expansion

On Wednesday, August 2nd at 11 am, Waste Connections is hosting a public meeting at Seneca Falls Community Center to discuss its plans to expand New York’s largest landfill.

Join us Tuesday, 9/5 in Seneca Falls

The Seneca Falls Town Board is considering a new Host Community Agreement with Texas-based Waste Connections that could extend the life of NY's largest landfill beyond its planned closure date of 2025, bringing in more profit to the town, in exchange for polluting the state for 15 more years.

Outrageous. Two Meetings on the Landfill scheduled this week

We know how difficult it is to plan on attending one evening meeting in a week let alone two, and perhaps that is exactly why the Seneca Falls Town Board scheduled a meeting to review the Town's revised Comprehensive Plan the day before the already publicized public input meeting scheduled by the landfill.

Greenidge Ruling

We wanted to share with you the news of the  Judge’s Ruling on Greenidge’s appeal of its Title V Air Permit Renewal Denial by the DEC.

URGENT: Seneca Falls Board Pulls Another Fast One

The Town of Seneca Falls has scheduled to bring back a vote on its Host Community Agreement with Seneca Meadows Landfill at tonight's Board meeting starting with a Public Hearing on the Town's Comprehensive Plan at 6:00 pm, 130 Ovid St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148-2300, United States.

Seneca Meadows is upping its game. We need to fight back

Seneca Meadows has learned that cities, towns and villages across the region are speaking out against its expansion, and they’re trying to counteract these efforts. 

Urgent Action Needed in Seneca County

We have been informed that the Seneca Meadows Landfill is trying to get resolutions of support for its expansion in every Town in Seneca County.  They were successful in getting a resolution of support from the Town of Varick last month, and aim to get more this month.