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A Personal Message From SLG VP Yvonne Taylor

This is your call to action. Adding YOUR voice is the only way.  Each one of you needs to make noise, if we are to preserve this region, and prevent it from succumbing to the Greenidge facility that harms our clean air, water, and thriving agri-tourism economy.

Urgent: We need All Hands On Deck Monday 6/27 11:30 Geneva

Please take an hour of your time to join us at the Gazebo in front of the Finger Lakes Welcome Center in Geneva on Monday June 27th at 11:30 am. We'll be holding a press conference and rally urging Governor Hochul to stop delaying the signing of the bill into law and to deny Greenidge's Title V Air Permit Renewal. We need YOU there, and please bring 100 of your friends.

BREAKING: NYS Senate Passes First in the Nation Cryptomining Moratorium

Watch the Press Conference

We're excited to announce that the NY Senate passed the crypto moratorium bill at 2:00 am today. This was despite the fact that the pro crypto lobby spent millions to oppose it.  A very heartfelt THANK YOU to all who put effort into this victory!!! 

URGENT! Crypto to jeopardize CLCPA - need S6486D passed in Senate!

I am writing with an urgent request for a show of support for S6486D, which would put in place a 2-year moratorium on crypto mining that is done in fossil fuel power plants and directs DEC to conduct an environmental review.

ICYMI: Gov. Hochul Takes Cryptomining Cash As She Considers Regulations

Governor takes money from cryptomining supporters aligned with anti-gay, anti-abortion, far right Club for Growth, + Cornell Professor’s Op-ed Asks Why Gov. Hochul Is Ignoring Science, Not Pausing Cryptomining to Protect Climate & Uphold NY’s Crucial Climate Goals

NY should follow the science on climate and ban crypto mining

Guest Opinion by Anthony Ingraffea

It’s up to Hochul and the Department of Environmental Conservation to be the leaders on climate they claim to be. They must follow the science, deny Greenidge’s permits, and support a
cryptomining moratorium. Our climate law — and the climate itself — is at stake.

Spring has sprung!

What Seneca Lake Guardian’s been up to

As we ride out upstate New York's Spring weather fluctuations, we wanted to take a moment to catch you up on what Seneca Lake Guardian has been up to, and let me tell you, it's a LOT. Over the past 11 years, we’ve perfected our craft and streamlined our efforts to keep the Finger Lakes fishable, drinkable and swimmable for generations to come!

After months of delay, NY still reviewing 4,000 public comments for Finger Lakes power plant owned by Bitcoin miners


At a Monday morning press conference, two Cornell University researchers disclosed that they had reviewed all those comments in less than a week — and found that 98.8% were strongly opposed to renewal of a for-profit power plant running 24/7 with very little public use.

The bitcoin mine vs. the world

Regulating bitcoin mining is a bit like whack-a-mole. But it appears New York regulators are taking their sweet time picking up the padded hammer: For a second time, they’ve punted on air pollution permits for an upstate mine tied to a gas power plant.

Gov Hochul + DEC Punt Decision on Greenidge Generation Air Permits Again

Today, after a previous two-month delay and more than a year of advocacy by residents, business owners, wine makers, environmental activists, and elected officials, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) again pushed back its deadline to make a decision about Greenidge Generation's Title V Air Permit Renewal.
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Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Urgent! New York’s Climate Law About to be Gutted.

Please Call Hochul!

Please call Governor Hochul and urge her to NOT include the Parker/Barrett bill in the State Budget – it will gut the Climate Act and worsen the climate crisis.

Join Us In Geneva

Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday June 28th in Geneva at the gazebo in front of the Geneva Welcome Center, 35 Lakefront Drive* at 11:30 to say GET OUT GREENIDGE!

Last Call for Commenting on NY’s Solid Waste Plan and its Impact on Seneca Meadows

Last Day for Comment Thursday, June 29th

Until June 29, the Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting public comments on the Draft Solid Waste Management Proposal. We need YOU to submit a comment.

Join us August 2nd-Oppose Landfill Expansion

On Wednesday, August 2nd at 11 am, Waste Connections is hosting a public meeting at Seneca Falls Community Center to discuss its plans to expand New York’s largest landfill.

Join us Tuesday, 9/5 in Seneca Falls

The Seneca Falls Town Board is considering a new Host Community Agreement with Texas-based Waste Connections that could extend the life of NY's largest landfill beyond its planned closure date of 2025, bringing in more profit to the town, in exchange for polluting the state for 15 more years.

Outrageous. Two Meetings on the Landfill scheduled this week

We know how difficult it is to plan on attending one evening meeting in a week let alone two, and perhaps that is exactly why the Seneca Falls Town Board scheduled a meeting to review the Town's revised Comprehensive Plan the day before the already publicized public input meeting scheduled by the landfill.

URGENT: Seneca Falls Board Pulls Another Fast One

The Town of Seneca Falls has scheduled to bring back a vote on its Host Community Agreement with Seneca Meadows Landfill at tonight's Board meeting starting with a Public Hearing on the Town's Comprehensive Plan at 6:00 pm, 130 Ovid St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148-2300, United States.

Urgent Action Needed in Seneca County

We have been informed that the Seneca Meadows Landfill is trying to get resolutions of support for its expansion in every Town in Seneca County.  They were successful in getting a resolution of support from the Town of Varick last month, and aim to get more this month.

Town of Hector to Vote on Expansion of NY’s Largest Landfill in FLX

If you are a Town of Hector Resident, we wish to share an opportunity with you to weigh in on protecting the Finger Lakes region from  accepting 6,000 tons of garbage daily from 47 counties in NY, four other states, and one country -for another 15 years.
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A Bitcoin Boom Fueled by Cheap Power, Empty Plants and Few Rules

New York Times

Cryptocurrency miners are flocking to New York’s faded industrial towns, prompting concern over the environmental impact of huge computer farms.

Call Governor Hochul:

Stop Bitcoin mining fracked gas power plants

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to urge her to halt Bitcoin mining in New York, starting with the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, and Fortistar power plant proposed for Niagara County.

Opportunity To Advocate for Safer Drinking Water!

Rob and Dharma at EANY are working on legislation for the upcoming session that would require testing for dozens of contaminants, including all PFAS- the forever chemical. Rob and Dharma are looking for private well owners that would be interested in sharing their experiences.

Greenidge and Bitcoin In The News

Recent Videos, Radio and News Articles

A collection of news articles, radio segments and TV news reports about Bitcoin and the Greenidge Bitcoin plant.

Please Sign on and Share Widely: Shut Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025!

One of our major concerns is the growing amount of trash at the northern gateway to the Finger Lakes: Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI). We invite you to sign on to a letter to Governor Hochul, urging her to close Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025 as planned. 

Crypto: Climate Change Accelerator, Capitalist Con

WATCH: System Change Not Climate Change Webinar

What the frack is cryptocurrency, anyway? Join us for a critical evaluation...who loves it, what it is, when and where it may be coming, why it's growing so spectacularly, and how it impacts climate.

Opinion: Bitcoin mining is a threat to New York’s climate. Here’s why

Proof-of-Work cryptocurrency mining —commonly known as Bitcoin mining — is a growing industry in New York and poses a massive threat to our climate. Gov. Kathy Hochul needs to declare a moratorium on proof-of-work bitcoin mining in New York State. Now. Here’s why.

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

Call Governor Hochul: 877-235-6537

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to block the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, which is burning fracked gas for cryptocurrency mining.

Hochul’s DEC Gives Greenidge Crucial Time Window to Expand Bitcoin Mining Before It Rules on Air Permit Renewal

We learned last week that a decision expected at the end of January on the Greenidge facility's Title V Air Permit Renewal has been postponed through March 31st, with the possibility now on the table for a costly and lengthy adjudicatory process which could, in effect, take years. 

Seneca Lake Guardian Releases TV Spots

Engages Finger Lakes Residents In Fight For Bitcoin Mining Moratorium

FINGER LAKES, NY (02/14/2022) (readMedia)-- Today, Seneca Lake Guardian released a short ad on cryptocurrency that will air on local channels in the Finger Lakes region, educating Finger Lakes residents about the dangers of the Bitcoin mining industry and encouraging them to get involved in the fight to stop unchecked, climate-killing Bitcoin mining.
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