Dear Ms. Brown:
Please share this with all the members of the Seneca Falls Town Board, and enter my message into the March 4th meeting minutes:
I am writing to urge you to deny the Seneca Meadows Landfill Local Operating Permit and reject the Host Community Agreement proposed by Waste Connections. This landfill is extremely detrimental to our community, our health, and our future.
The local operating permit should be denied based simply on the fact that the odors continue to be a serious issue throughout the Town and have not been mitigated, which is a violation of Town Code.
Rejecting the Host Community Agreement does not compromise the financial health of Seneca Falls. In fact, industries like tourism and agriculture will flourish when the landfill closes once and for all. Town officials must provide transparency by opening the books and showing residents exactly what resources we have to sustain essential services and keep property taxes low without relying on a deal with Texas based Waste Connections. Our community deserves honesty and accountability, not backroom deals with an out of town, for-profit corporation that prioritizes its bottom line over our well-being.
The environmental and quality of life impacts of Seneca Meadows are undeniable and devastating. The landfill emits dangerous pollutants, contaminates our air and water, and causes unbearable odors that disrupt students' ability to learn and residents’ enjoyment of their activities of daily life. The constant traffic of heavy diesel trucks only worsens the situation, increasing noise, congestion, and additional pollution.
No amount of money can compensate for the long-term health risks our community faces. Cancer clusters in Seneca County are far above state and national averages. Research has shown links between landfill proximity and severe health issues, including respiratory disease, heart conditions, and malignant tumors. Is a payout from Waste Connections worth losing our neighbors and loved ones? How much money is worth compromising our health and safety? What value do we place on a human life?
Seneca Falls should not be strong-armed into approving a permit or a deal that prolongs the operation of this toxic landfill. The town board must stand up for residents and locally owned businesses by denying the local operating permit, rejecting the Host Community Agreement, and prioritizing a clean, healthy, and sustainable future.
The public has overwhelmingly spoken in opposition to the landfill for years. I strongly urge you to do the right thing for our community: deny the permit, reject this agreement and commit to closing the landfill once and for all.