Seneca Meadows Landfill
Seneca Lake Guardian is working diligently to help close the Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI) by 2025.
• SMI, located in Seneca Falls, the birthplace of Women’s Rights, is the largest landfill in NYS
• There are 27 landfills in NYS
• Waste Connections, SMI Parent company through RSNY Made 301,000 available in the 2021 election to get Pro-Landfill candidates elected
• SMI is permitted to accept 6,000 tons of waste daily
• SMI is permitted to produce up to 100,000 gallons of toxic leachate per day
• SMI is currently required to stop receiving waste and halt operations by Dec 31, 2025 due to Local Law 3 of 2016 in the town of Seneca Falls.
• SMI is looking to expand beyond 2040 with their “Valley Infill” expansion which would more than double their existing airspace and add a 6.9 story height increase.
• SMI accepts 36% of NYC’s garbage annually
• SMI is in violation of their current Town Code
• SMI is in violation of their Host Community Agreement
• SMI is in violation of NYC Part 211.1 DEC regulations
• SMI is suing the town of Seneca falls, costing the taxpayer
• SMI operated without an approved license to operate from the town for 2+ years
• SMI allows Trucks all through the night after closed hours to sit and rot with their stench over night before filling during operating hours.
• Over 95% of Municipalities in the USA operate without landfill revenue.
• Between the last two SF TB elections Waste Connections contributed almost $400,000 to get pro landfill candidates elected.
• If expanded until 2040 that would equate to 28.5 million tons of trashed dumped in Seneca Falls
• Exit 41 is the gateway to the finger lakes
• SF is the birthplace of Women’s Rights
• SMI was asked to come to the table and work with the town to address odor reporting, they said no.
• Since 2018 there have been nearly 500 complaints Confirmed by SMI of Odor on site ranging from 1-12 miles away from the landfill.
• On multiple dates, the DEC onsite monitor checked NI for not inspected.
The Valley Infill will be on top of the hazardous Tantillo landfill buried beneath SMI.