Rob and Dharma at EANY are working on legislation for the upcoming session that would require testing for dozens of contaminants, including all PFAS- the forever chemical. Rob and Dharma are looking for private well owners that would be interested in sharing their experiences.

Archive Articles
A Bitcoin Boom Fueled by Cheap Power, Empty Plants and Few Rules
Cryptocurrency miners are flocking to New York’s faded industrial towns, prompting concern over the environmental impact of huge computer farms.
Yvonne Taylor: The “Accidental Activist” Setting Precedent For Bitcoin Mining In The U.S.
When Yvonne Taylor first heard about Greenidge Generation’s plan to reopen a closed coal-fired powerplant as a natural gas-powered plant, she didn’t even know what Bitcoin was. But pollution from the Greenidge’s facility increased tenfold as it expanded electricity generation to power newly installed Bitcoin mining machines.
Albany, NY – Press Conference , End of Public Comment for Title V for Greenidge
Watch environmental groups from across New York State mark the end of the public comment period for DEC hearing on Greenidge Title V Air Permit
Geneva, NY Press Conference, end of public comment period for DEC Title V Air Permit for Greenidge
Watch environmental groups from across NY State mark the end of the public comment period for DEC’s hearing on Greenidge’s Title V Air Permit
Comments from Seneca Lake Guardian Business Coalition and Finger Lakes Wine Business Coalition Opposing Greenidge Generating Station Air Title V Facility Permit
The undersigned members of the Fingers Lakes Wine Business Coalition urge the DEC to deny the Greenidge facility’s Title V Air Permit. We are concerned that the power plant, used as a bitcoin mining operation and its enormous increases in GHG emissions, will adversely impact the vibrant wine and tourism industry in the region.
A New Dimension to Crypto driving the Climate Crisis: a chat w Yvonne Taylor
Don’t miss Yvonne Taylor discussing crypto and climate with James Cox.
Greenidge Generation LLC’s CEO Dale Irwin Pushes Back Against Vocal Activists
Learn more about two fearless individuals who have been vocal about their concerns surrounding the Greenidge facility. who received threatening letters from Greenidge Generation LLC’s CEO Dale Irwin.
Watch: Bitcoin & Fracked Gas
Bitcoin mining fueled by fracked gas could undermine New York’s climate goals – but on October 28th, we discussed our plans to stop this catastrophic threat.