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Romulus Train Trash Incinerator

Incinerator Forum

Learn more about the Romulus Train Trash Incinerator

Please come and learn from an independent expert how the impacts of the proposed “Waste to Energy” train trash facility at the Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus would effect the Finger Lakes region.

Watch: Trash Incinerator Forum

On Jan. 7, 2018 we hosted an independent expert on how the impacts of the proposed “Waste to Energy” train trash facility at the Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus would effect the Finger Lakes region.

You can watch an archive of our live stream of the Trash Incinerator Forum here.

Watch: Seneca Lake Guardian Press Conference

Legislative Office Building Albany, NY

Assemblyman Kolb, Assemblyman Palmesano and Senator Helming Incinerator Letter

Letter expressing opposition to the EnerG incinerator.

Finger Lakes Lawmakers Call On State To Block Unwanted Incinerator Project

‘Few, If Any, Areas of New York State Are As Dependent On Vibrant Natural Resources As The Finger Lakes Region’

Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua), Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C,I-Corning) and Sen. Pamela Helming (R-Canandaigua) called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials to block a prospective application from Circular EnerG, LLC to construct a waste-to-energy incinerator at the former Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus.

Chairman of the Assembly’s Committee on Energy, Michael Cusick, and Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton Introduce Bill to Exclude Major Electric Generating Facilities from Expedited Power Plant Siting Process

Assembly Legislative Press Release

On March 27th, NYS Assemblyman Michael Cusick and NYS Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton introduced a bill in the NYS Assembly which would exclude major electric generating facilities, which generate electricity from the combustion or pyrolysis of solid waste or fuel derived from solid waste, from an expedited power plant siting process.

Finger Lakes Lawmakers Introduce Legislation
To Block Controversial Incinerator Project

New York State Legislature

Senator Pam Helming, Senator Tom O’Mara, Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, and Assemblyman Phil Palmesano have introduced legislation that would block a proposed waste-to-energy incinerator project from moving forward at the former Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus.

Public Service Commission Requests Revisions to Circular enerG’s Public Involvement Program Plan for Article 10 Application

Circular enerG Seeks to Build NY’s Largest Trash Incinerator Facility in the Finger Lakes

In a letter released today, staff of the New York State Department of Public Service requested revisions to Circular enerG’s Public Involvement Program Plan (“PIP Plan”) for their Article 10 application on their proposal to build the state’s largest trash incinerator facility in the Finger Lakes. The letter requested the developer to revise several aspects of the plan, most notably explain how it will overcome local zoning laws, describe the impact on the wine and tourism economies and describe the source of the garbage.
Regional Governments and Organizations Opposed to Romulus Incinerator

Regional Governments and Organizations Opposed to Romulus Waste Incinerator

Everyday opposition builds to the Romulus Waste Incinerator. Want to see if your local government or partner organizations are opposing the incinerator?

Urgent: Assembly Vote Today

Call your Assembly Person Now!

TODAY (Tuesday, June 19th) - We have an opportunity to kill the proposed garbage burning facility in Romulus, NY, if we act swiftly. There are bills proposed ( S8109b/A11214) which, if passed in the Assembly and the Senate, then signed by Governor Cuomo, would prohibit garbage incineration in the Finger Lakes.
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Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Countdown to Deadline: Don’t Sit This One Out!

We have until this Friday, January 27th to submit comments to the DEC regarding NY's largest landfill, located in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Seneca Meadows Landfill was slated to close in 2025, and instead, they've applied for an expansion (seven stories higher than it is now!) and an operating extension through 2040.

Think Landfills Shouldn’t Be Near Homes and Schools? Sign On To This Letter!

We have an opportunity to comment on the NY State DEC's Proposed New Regulations that would prevent landfills from being sited or expanding near schools and landfills.  This sign on letter is for both individuals and organizations. Please complete this google form today!

Call Gov. Hochul Re: Greenidge

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

The Hochul administration has a deadline of March 31 for deciding whether to grant an air quality permit to a fracked gas power plant in the Finger Lakes.

Call Governor Hochul: Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant
Deadline: Thursday, March 31

Important Actions and Updates

Seneca Lake Guardian has been working extremely hard for the protection of the Finger Lakes, as we're rounding the  bend and expecting a decision from the DEC on Thursday, March 31st on Greenidge's Title V Air Permit. 

CALL HOCHUL! Let’s hit 200!

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

We’ve generated 128 calls to Hochul thus far this week.
Can we top 200? I think we can!

Hochul’s DEC Gives Greenidge Crucial Time Window to Expand Bitcoin Mining Before It Rules on Air Permit Renewal

We learned last week that a decision expected at the end of January on the Greenidge facility's Title V Air Permit Renewal has been postponed through March 31st, with the possibility now on the table for a costly and lengthy adjudicatory process which could, in effect, take years. 

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

Call Governor Hochul: 877-235-6537

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to block the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, which is burning fracked gas for cryptocurrency mining.

Please Sign on and Share Widely: Shut Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025!

One of our major concerns is the growing amount of trash at the northern gateway to the Finger Lakes: Seneca Meadows Landfill (SMI). We invite you to sign on to a letter to Governor Hochul, urging her to close Seneca Meadows Landfill in 2025 as planned. 

Opportunity To Advocate for Safer Drinking Water!

Rob and Dharma at EANY are working on legislation for the upcoming session that would require testing for dozens of contaminants, including all PFAS- the forever chemical. Rob and Dharma are looking for private well owners that would be interested in sharing their experiences.
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Greenidge Generation LLC’s CEO Dale Irwin Pushes Back Against Vocal Activists

Learn more about two fearless individuals who have been vocal about their concerns surrounding the Greenidge facility. who received threatening letters from Greenidge Generation LLC's CEO Dale Irwin.

Greenidge Ruling

We wanted to share with you the news of the  Judge’s Ruling on Greenidge’s appeal of its Title V Air Permit Renewal Denial by the DEC.

Help Collect Data on Seneca Lake Fish Health May 29-31

Join us May 29-31 in conducting a fish health survey during the National Lake Trout Derby on Seneca Lake.

Help Stop Dirty Garbage Incinerator in the Finger Lakes

Call Today!

With the budget finalized, it's time for the Governor to sign the Finger Lakes Community Preservation Act of 2019 into law.  This bill would prohibit the construction of garbage incinerators within the Finger Lakes Watershed.

Hidden emissions

A story from the Netherlands
Case Study

Although presented as state of the art, the youngest incinerator in the Netherlands is far from a clean: long-term tests reveal emissions of dioxin, furan and persistent organic pollutants far beyond the limits.

The case of the REC plant raises important questions for future policy-making concerning waste incineration and its potential effects on public health and the environment.

Hochul’s DEC Gives Greenidge Crucial Time Window to Expand Bitcoin Mining Before It Rules on Air Permit Renewal

We learned last week that a decision expected at the end of January on the Greenidge facility's Title V Air Permit Renewal has been postponed through March 31st, with the possibility now on the table for a costly and lengthy adjudicatory process which could, in effect, take years. 

ICYMI: Gov. Hochul Takes Cryptomining Cash As She Considers Regulations

Governor takes money from cryptomining supporters aligned with anti-gay, anti-abortion, far right Club for Growth, + Cornell Professor’s Op-ed Asks Why Gov. Hochul Is Ignoring Science, Not Pausing Cryptomining to Protect Climate & Uphold NY’s Crucial Climate Goals

Important Actions and Updates

Seneca Lake Guardian has been working extremely hard for the protection of the Finger Lakes, as we're rounding the  bend and expecting a decision from the DEC on Thursday, March 31st on Greenidge's Title V Air Permit. 

Important Actions and Updates on Greenidge Bitcoin Mining Facility

The climate change alarm bells are deafening and we’re seeing the impacts almost daily across the state, country and planet. There are vital actions for you to take in the coming weeks. We need all hands on deck now, if we are to protect our region-and beyond- in the days ahead.

Important Organizational Sign On Letter

Climate Busting Cryptocurrency

We urge you to sign on to this letter urging New York to take a pause and study the impacts that proof of work cryptocurrency mining has on climate, air, water, and health before it expands across the state. If this issue is not yet on your radar, it absolutely must be now.