
Title Date

Please sign on to protect the Finger Lakes and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed!

Two Ways To Lend your Support

Seneca Lake Guardian has recently learned of an ill-conceived plan to convert prime agricultural land into a needless, environmentally and economically dangerous garbage and construction/ demolition debris facility in Schuyler County- the heart of the Finger Lakes.

Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Seneca County Local Businesses, Advocates, and Residents Announce Lawsuit Against Seneca Meadows Inc. and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Lawsuit Alleges Seneca Meadows, the Largest Landfill in New York State, Violates New York State Constitution Green Amendment

A group of Seneca County businesses, advocates, and residents hosted a virtual press conference to announce a lawsuit they are bringing against Seneca Meadows Inc., the operator of New York’s largest landfill, Seneca Meadows, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Stop the Greenidge fracked gas power plant

Call Governor Hochul: 877-235-6537

Call Governor Hochul TODAY at 877-235-6537 to block the Greenidge power plant on Seneca Lake, which is burning fracked gas for cryptocurrency mining.

Think Landfills Shouldn’t Be Near Homes and Schools? Sign On To This Letter!

We have an opportunity to comment on the NY State DEC's Proposed New Regulations that would prevent landfills from being sited or expanding near schools and landfills.  This sign on letter is for both individuals and organizations. Please complete this google form today!

Town of Hector to Vote on Expansion of NY’s Largest Landfill in FLX

If you are a Town of Hector Resident, we wish to share an opportunity with you to weigh in on protecting the Finger Lakes region from  accepting 6,000 tons of garbage daily from 47 counties in NY, four other states, and one country -for another 15 years.

Urgent Action Needed in Seneca County

We have been informed that the Seneca Meadows Landfill is trying to get resolutions of support for its expansion in every Town in Seneca County.  They were successful in getting a resolution of support from the Town of Varick last month, and aim to get more this month.

Urgent! New York’s Climate Law About to be Gutted.

Please Call Hochul!

Please call Governor Hochul and urge her to NOT include the Parker/Barrett bill in the State Budget – it will gut the Climate Act and worsen the climate crisis.

Urgent: Action Needed!

Cargill running seismic testing without applying for a permit

John Dennis, a co-founder of CLEAN, was out in his kayak doing a HABs survey on Sunday when he spotted what appeared to be Bay Geophysical’s seismic research vessel pulling a pneumatic air gun array and the single string of hydrophones that is used to implement 2D seismic studies of underground rock formations. A photograph of a Bay Geophysical doing a 2016 seismic study in front of Cayuga Power

URGENT: Seneca Falls Board Pulls Another Fast One

The Town of Seneca Falls has scheduled to bring back a vote on its Host Community Agreement with Seneca Meadows Landfill at tonight's Board meeting starting with a Public Hearing on the Town's Comprehensive Plan at 6:00 pm, 130 Ovid St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148-2300, United States.