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Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper Affiliate
Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper AffiliateJan 9, 2025 @ 1:47pm
Christmas Day stench — thanks to Seneca Meadows Landfill

To the Editor:

We awoke early on Christmas morning to the smell of the landfill seeping into the cracks of our doors and windows. The stench was everywhere in our peaceful little village. Homes and churches were filled with the disgusting odors. As our visitors from out of town arrived, the stench refilled our home each time the door was opened. Holiday greetings were exchanged followed by “Is that the landfill, why do you have to put up with that?” Shaking their heads in disbelief they reminisced how lovely this area used to be.

The odor hotline was called and an investigator called shortly after to advise that he was on the way. Our visitors added their testimony to him on the phone. Seven hours later we called again advising as a group that the odors were still present. We inquired about the previous investigation and were told that landfill odors were acknowledged and prevalent and that adjustments had been made. He stated more adjustments would be made.

The landfill odors continued through the evening. Our quiet little village finally received relief from the disgusting smells around 8:30 p.m., a sad and shocking realization how much the landfill controls our area’s “comfort and joy!”

It is not a Wonderful Life in this area. We are in serious trouble! SMI is now our Mr. Potter, the greedy, money-hungry, controlling factor from the movie. Each time odors escape their property lines we are being violated, harassed. Our mental, physical and emotional health are being relentlessly compromised by their broken promises and violations — all for the sake of money and control. What will our lives be like with a massive expansion and many more years of violations?

We can all be George Bailey by calling the Odor Hot Line to report the odors. Please put these numbers in your phones, share on social media. Complain wherever and whenever you smell landfill odors, even on Christmas Day. These complaints do make a difference, this information also goes to the DEC and SF Town Board. Be a George Bailey — fight to save our area, make our area wonderful again.

Odor Hotline: daytime 315-539-5624

Odor Hotline: after hours 1-800-889-4318


Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper Affiliate
Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper AffiliateJan 3, 2025 @ 3:13pm
If you can smell the Seneca Meadows Landfill, please urge the town not to approve the landfill’s local operating permit!!!
Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper Affiliate
Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper AffiliateDec 22, 2024 @ 3:24pm
Yvonne Taylor, Vice President of Seneca Lake Guardian said “New Yorkers fought hard to ban fracking, and we applaud Governor Hochul’s signing of the CO2 Fracking Ban today. We must take these bold steps, especially as we face the dismantling of environmental protections and replacing good government with an authoritarian-oriented administration. New York must continue to steer the way forward and we’re counting on Governor Hochul to take the helm. She has demonstrated her leadership with the signing of this ban.”

From Bluesky

Welcome to Seneca Lake Guardian

Our Lakes Need a Good Guardian

The Leadership Team of Gas Free Seneca, responsible for winning the battle against a proposed gas storage and transport hub in the Finger Lakes, has formed Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate, the only organization dedicated to actively working to protect the Finger Lakes from dirty industrial projects that could threaten the health of our lakes, our rural community character, the Finger Lakes Brand, or the livelihoods of the small business owners who depend on the lakes for their success. Our lakes are at risk. We need a good Guardian to protect them.

Seneca Lake Guardian is a New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation with 501(c)(3) and is dedicated to preserving and protecting the health of the Finger Lakes, its residents and visitors, its rural community character, and its agricultural and tourist related businesses through public education, citizen participation, engagement with decision makers, and networking with like-minded organizations.