Proposed Garbage Station in FLX

Immediate Action Required!

We recently learned of a proposal for a garbage transfer facility that could negatively impact areas around Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. Please review the overview that we have gleaned from the project application. We have exactly 10 days to submit comments to the DEC regarding this proposal (deadline September 24!), and to the Cayuta Town Board prior to October 14th.

Please be sure to reach out to us with any questions, and share as widely as you can.

Proposed Garbage Transfer Facility in Schuyler County

A 10,575 square foot materials recovery facility that would accept municipal solid waste (MSW), construction and demolition debris (C&D) and source-separated recyclables, with a maximum daily thoughput of 500 tons per day has been proposed in the Town of Cayuta. The facility will include waste storage areas, a truck weighing scale, trailer staging area and an onsite wastewater storage tank, and a building for handling and storage of waste materials that will also have areas for office space.

Opportunity for Public Comment:

Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than September 24, 2020.

Guillermo R Saar
NYSDEC Region 8 Headquarters
6274 E Avon-Lima Rd
Avon, NY 14414


Please also share your comments/ concerns with the Cayuta Town Board prior to October 14th:

Brandon Theetge:


Truck traffic Routes: trucks would turn onto Route 224 from Route 13 and proceed to Route 228, and thence to Route 96 to Route 414 N. Communities impacted by this additional truck traffic include: Alpine Junction, Odessa, Mecklenburg, Trumansburg, Covert, Interlaken, Ovid, Fayette, and Seneca Falls. Trucks could alternatively take Route 224 through Odessa to connect with Route 14, then turning onto Route 414 additionally impacting the communities of Montour Falls, Watkins Glen, Hector, Valois, Lodi, and points North. The concern is the negative impact on tourism, and the VOCs created by diesel trucks and their negative impact on agriculture, particularly grapes. Trucks taking Route 13 to the Chemung County Landfill will have to pass through the Village of Horseheads.)

  • Air emissions from diesel trucks
  • Air pollution
  • Noise pollution
  • Light pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Odors
  • Vermin
  • Threat to human health via releases or disease or allergy-causing matter to the air, soil or water. The threat may take the form of disease-causing organisms, cancer-causing substances, dust or other respiratory irritants, noise or odors
  • Possibility of expansion from 7.49 acres proposed to the over 80 acres of land currently owned
  • Possibility of the site transitioning to a landfill upon closure of Seneca Meadows in 2025
  • Site is less than 1 mile from Newfield State Forest and Connecticut Hill Wildlife Management Area. What impacts will this facility have on the wildlife and environment of those natural resources, including noise and light pollution for recreational use? How will the facility impact the viewshed at these State Lands?
  • There are federally regulated wetlands /water bodies on site and adjoining the site
  • The project site is located over or adjoining a Principal Aquifer
  • Loss of unrecoverable agricultural land
  • Potential for long term negative economic impact on Town, County, and region

For copies of the application, please send an email to: