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Join Us In Geneva

Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday June 28th in Geneva at the gazebo in front of the Geneva Welcome Center, 35 Lakefront Drive* at 11:30 to say GET OUT GREENIDGE!

Last Call for Commenting on NY’s Solid Waste Plan and its Impact on Seneca Meadows

Last Day for Comment Thursday, June 29th

Until June 29, the Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting public comments on the Draft Solid Waste Management Proposal. We need YOU to submit a comment.

Seneca Lake Guardian’s Yvonne Taylor Among City & State’s 2023 Top Energy & Environment Power 100 List

Vice President of Seneca Lake Guardian, Yvonne Taylor, has been recognized for her advocacy against Greenidge Generation and Seneca Meadows landfill!

Urgent! New York’s Climate Law About to be Gutted.

Please Call Hochul!

Please call Governor Hochul and urge her to NOT include the Parker/Barrett bill in the State Budget – it will gut the Climate Act and worsen the climate crisis.

Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Countdown to Deadline: Don’t Sit This One Out!

We have until this Friday, January 27th to submit comments to the DEC regarding NY's largest landfill, located in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Seneca Meadows Landfill was slated to close in 2025, and instead, they've applied for an expansion (seven stories higher than it is now!) and an operating extension through 2040.

Seneca Lake Guardian Refuses to be Bullied into Silence By State’s Largest Landfill

Seneca Meadows Threatening SLG w/ Legal Action for Educating the Public on the Dangers of Landfill to Air, Water and State's Climate Goals

Greenidge Bitcoin Mining / Seneca Meadows Landfill

Urgent: Important Action Updates and Resources!

Public comments on Greenidge's air permit appeal are due on October 31, and the public hearing is this coming Monday, October 24. We encourage all of you to send in written comments and/or sign up for Monday's hearing! 

DEC Just Approved a Large Garbage Transfer Facility in Schuyler County

SLG is Challenging This Permit!

Seneca Lake Guardian has been hard at work, so we wanted to provide you with some updates on what we've been doing to keep our region's air and water clean.

Think Landfills Shouldn’t Be Near Homes and Schools? Sign On To This Letter!

We have an opportunity to comment on the NY State DEC's Proposed New Regulations that would prevent landfills from being sited or expanding near schools and landfills.  This sign on letter is for both individuals and organizations. Please complete this google form today!

Watch: The Environmental Impacts of Crypto Mining

Crypto mining is worsening the climate crisis. We discuss how and why we won’t let the cryptocurrency industry mine our future for profit.More Info

BREAKING: NYS Senate Passes First in the Nation Cryptomining Moratorium

Watch the Press Conference

We're excited to announce that the NY Senate passed the crypto moratorium bill at 2:00 am today. This was despite the fact that the pro crypto lobby spent millions to oppose it.  A very heartfelt THANK YOU to all who put effort into this victory!!! More Info

Cryptocurrency critics angry at Hochul over punting air pollution permit decision

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has announced it would delay a decision for a second time on whether to approve a critical air pollution permit renewal for a controversial cryptocurrency mining operation on the shores of Seneca Lake.More Info

Seneca Lake Guardian Releases TV Spots

Engages Finger Lakes Residents In Fight For Bitcoin Mining Moratorium

FINGER LAKES, NY (02/14/2022) (readMedia)-- Today, Seneca Lake Guardian released a short ad on cryptocurrency that will air on local channels in the Finger Lakes region, educating Finger Lakes residents about the dangers of the Bitcoin mining industry and encouraging them to get involved in the fight to stop unchecked, climate-killing Bitcoin mining.More Info

Crypto: Climate Change Accelerator, Capitalist Con

WATCH: System Change Not Climate Change Webinar

What the frack is cryptocurrency, anyway? Join us for a critical evaluation...who loves it, what it is, when and where it may be coming, why it's growing so spectacularly, and how it impacts climate.More Info

Geneva, NY Press Conference, end of public comment period for DEC Title V Air Permit for Greenidge

Watch environmental groups from across NY State mark the end of the public comment period for DEC's hearing on Greenidge's Title V Air PermitMore Info

Albany, NY - Press Conference , End of Public Comment for Title V for Greenidge

Watch environmental groups from across New York State mark the end of the public comment period for DEC hearing on Greenidge Title V Air PermitMore Info

Greenidge Bitcoin Mining Expansion


Greenidge is an old coal power plant with an already bad environmental history. Once mothballed, it was converted to a gas fired plant for use as a “peaker plant”- toonlybe used when excess energy was needed by the public, and not run continually. Now, its out of state owners at Atlas Holdings want to expand operations for a privately owned bitcoin operation which would consume enough power to fuel 93,000 homes. That’s bigger than 2 of Amazon’s immense data centers.

More Info