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Watch: Trash Incinerator Forum

On Jan. 7, 2018 we hosted an independent expert on how the impacts of the proposed “Waste to Energy” train trash facility at the Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus would effect the Finger Lakes region.

You can watch an archive of our live stream of the Trash Incinerator Forum here.

Watch: Seneca Lake Guardian Press Conference

Legislative Office Building Albany, NY

Save the Date - We need YOU!

Earth Day Rally

ABC News and other media outlets will be in the Finger Lakes on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:30, covering the story about the Seneca Meadows Landfill on Earth Day.  We are planning a big rally and we need a HUGE turn out.

Join us Tuesday, 9/5 in Seneca Falls

The Seneca Falls Town Board is considering a new Host Community Agreement with Texas-based Waste Connections that could extend the life of NY's largest landfill beyond its planned closure date of 2025, bringing in more profit to the town, in exchange for polluting the state for 15 more years.

Join Us In Geneva

Please join us TOMORROW, Wednesday June 28th in Geneva at the gazebo in front of the Geneva Welcome Center, 35 Lakefront Drive* at 11:30 to say GET OUT GREENIDGE!
Romulus Train Trash Incinerator

Incinerator Forum

Learn more about the Romulus Train Trash Incinerator

Please come and learn from an independent expert how the impacts of the proposed “Waste to Energy” train trash facility at the Seneca Army Depot in the Town of Romulus would effect the Finger Lakes region.